I am going to have A GREAT NEPHEW! To follow the rest of the story, please click here.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Happy belated Mother's Day to all my female blogger friends :)
lagi super sibuk banget dengan kerjaan bulan ini. weekend kemaren mertua dateng dan ngebawain digital camera gua yang ketinggalan di rumah mereka bulan lalu. gua bakalan upload dan post poto2nya, cuman ga tau kapan yah. mudah2an sih bisa secepatnya.
selain soal kerja, gua juga bingung dengan niat gua yang pengen balik sekolah lagi tapi gimana sama soal kerja? apa iyah gua mesti ngelepasin kerjaan full time yang menurut gua udah lumayan okelah dan jadi full time student (lagi)? atau kerja part time dan kuliah part time?
duh bingung.... :'(
Posted by E. Bronwyn at 9:35 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
balik sekolah lagi. Niatnya sih udah ada dari dulu2 kali yah, cuman masih ragu2 aja..
Bingung nih. Duh bingungggg.... :(
Posted by E. Bronwyn at 11:22 AM 3 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 17th, sometimes in the evening - between my brother-in-law and me:
R: "Hello Eve, what's up? How are things?"
E: "Hi Randy! Everything's good here. How are you? What's new?"
R: "I'm good too. Errrr..I am calling to let you know that you're going to be a great aunt around September 27th! JAC is 4-months pregnant!!"
E: "HAH?!?!?!? WOW!! Anyway, CONGRATS to her!"
R: "Thanks."
E: "You're welcome. Thanks for letting me know."
R: "No problem. Hey, can I talk to Martin for a minute?"
E: "Sure. Just a sec.."
Am I exited about this news? NO! NOT AT ALL!! JAC is a 19 years old who works at a fast food restaurant, smokes heavily (can call her a chain smoker!), and doesn't have any sense of responsibility at all. Prior to New Year's Eve last year, she had a car accident and totalled her car. Yet, she still managed to go to a party, got drunk and found herself pregnant couple months ago! She's not really my niece, just because my brother-in-law 'raised' her since she was 7 years old and he considers her as his 'niece', therefore I am her 'aunt', she's my 'niece', and her baby will be my great 'nephew/niece'.
Suddenly, I feel so OLDDDD....
Posted by E. Bronwyn at 8:26 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter weekend
in Michigan. I had fun seeing my in-laws, nieces, and nephew :) Easter eggs hunt, laughs and smiles from the face of the little kids..it's priceless! :D
Sekarang, balik ke reality aja kali yah. First word..CAPE!
Yang namanya trip (mau yang pendek atau panjang) pasti ujung2nya cape *iya ga sih?* Jadi ceritanya nih hari jumat kemaren, gua ama hubby cabut ke MI by driving about 10 hours from IA. Hubby sih bisa kerja 1/2 hari doang dan jam 12:30pm udah off work, sedangkan gua malah baru mulai meeting jam 1pm! Personally, gua sendiri sih ga ada masalah sama meeting gitu deh, cuman udah kebayang aja long drivenya itu loh. Anyway, long story short.. akhirnya kita berdua leave IA jem 6:00pm. Gua ngedrop mobil di rumah unclenya hubby abis jem kantor dan hubby jemput gua di rumah unclenya (Untung gua udah ngepak semalem dan hubby tinggal load suitcase ke mobil doang. Rencananya sih gua mau pulang dulu buat mandi [biar segeran gitu ceritanya], tapi berhubung gua (niatnya sih pure 100%) ga pengen nyampe rumah mertua jem 4 atau 5 subuh, yah gua batalin rencana gua). Nyampe di rumah mertua sekitar jem 3 subuh dan mama dan papa mertua gua were still awake begitu kita nyampe.
Tampang kita berdua juga udah asli lusuh banget. Hubby drove all the way there dan gua berusaha bangun nemenin dia drive *rasa ngantuk gua juga udah nyampe langit ketujuh kali ya?* Hubby masih sempet ngobrol2 ama mama papanya. Gua sendiri (setelah pamit say g'nite/g'morning) langsung menuju ke kamar buat bobo. Udah ga kuat lagi kali disuruh bergadang....
Gua bangun gara2 salah satu nieces gua ngetok pintu kamar dan ngebangunin gua. Pas gua buka pintunya, dia langsung nerobos masuk ke kamar dan langsung loncat2 di kasur gua. Hubby otomatis juga bangun. Kita yah ga bisa marah lah, namanya juga keponakan sendiri :) Abis maen2 bentar, gua terus mandi. Terus join the rest of the family sekitar jem 1-an buat lunch.
Abis lunch, hubby, papa mertua, dan kk ipar gua pindah ke garage dan mereka ngobrol2 disana sampe dinner time (gua ga tau deh apa yang mereka omongin sebegitu lama dan panjangnya..) Came to dinner time around 7pm, kita semua ngumpul di dining room. Rame deh dengerin celotehan2nya little kids :D Ga lama kemudian, kk ipar gua berusaha nyuruh anak2nya buat bobo (alasannya biar easter bunny liat kalo mereka tuh anak baik2 *yes, they are*, padahal sih kita mo masukin jelly beans and candies into the fake easter eggs, terus pagi besok harinya ngumpetin the fake and real eggs outside in the yard - sebelon mereka bangun). Lumayan banyak yang mesti diumpetin, soalnya kita ngundang anak2 dari tetangga juga. It was fun. Took lots of pictures but unfortunately left my camera at my in-laws *duhhhh....* :(
Sunday morning on Easter Day, after breakfast, dimulai deh ritual egg huntingnya. Lucu2 banget deh ekspresi muka little kids :) Ada yang napsu banget ngumpulin eggs and candies, ada yang bingung ga tau mau mulai darimana, ada yang tinggal ngambil dari basket anak2 yang laen *kalo ini sih emang aslinya males yah menurut gua*, ada juga yang ngumpulin eggs bedasarkan warna loh! :P
Ritual egg huntingnya berlangsung kurang lebih 1.5 jem (lama yah?). Kelar hunting, anak2 tetangga pun pulang ke rumah mereka masing2. Keponakan2 gua pun langsung asik ngitungin jumlah eggs and candies yang mereka kumpulin. Masih sempet ngambil beberapa snap shot mereka, tapi dodolnya gua, camera gua ketinggalan di rumah mertua. Ntar kapan2 deh yah baru gua upload foto2nya....
Gua sih maunya stay lebih lama yah disana, cuman udah waktunya buat balik lagi ke IA tuh. Kita cabut dari MI jem 1:30pm dan sampe rumah jem 12:10am - senin subuh! Mana hubby dan gua mesti masuk kantor jem 8am..
It was a short trip with long drive, but I had a blast. Cape sih iyah, mana kemaren dikantor tuh bawaannya sleepy mulu. Hari ini sih udah mendingan yah =)
So, how's your easter? =]
Posted by E. Bronwyn at 1:01 PM 4 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
3's About Me
Three Names I have been called
1. Evelynn
2. Eve (or by middle name – Amellie)
3. Baby
Three Jobs I have had
1. Cashier
2. Asst. Prof.
3. Asst. Mgr.
Three Places I have lived
1. Indonesia
2. Singapore
3. Malaysia
Three TV Shows that I watch
1. Family Guy
2. Dog Whisperer
3. Dancing with the Stars
Three Places I've Been
1. Australia
2. Singapore
3. Malaysia
Three People that e-mail me regularly
1. My brothers
2. My Mom
3. My Mom-in-law
Three of My favorite foods
1. Seafood
2. Sushi
3. Dim Sum
Three of My favorite drinks
1. Water
2. Sweet Tea
Three people I think will respond (Since I 'just' have 3 blogger friends)
1. Arman
2. Hanny
3. Vera
Three things I am looking forward to
1. Easter weekend with my in-laws
2. My best friend's graduation in May
3. One of my brother’s wedding at the end of the year
Three hobbies I enjoy
1. Skating
2. Cooking [even though I’m not good at all]
3. Playing piano
Three magazines/publications I read regularly/on occasion
1. [Sometimes] Wall Street Journal
2. The Des Moines Register
3. Some random cookbooks
Now, here's what you're supposed to do...And please do not spoil the fun.
Hit forward, delete my answers, and type in your answers. Then send this to a few good friends and family INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little unknowns.
Posted by E. Bronwyn at 9:16 PM 3 comments
Happy Easter
HAPPY EASTER to all my blogger friends! :)
Kenapa gua ngucapinnya lebih cepet 3 hari sebelon Easter? Soalnya gua besok abis kerja, pulang ke rumah buat mandi, ganti baju dan beberes terus nyambung drive lagi deh (sekitar 9-10 jam bareng sama hubby) ke rumah mertua di Michigan. Papa mertua kemaren telp dan ngomong ke hubby kalo kita diundang kesana buat Easter bareng2. Gua denger semua percakapannya. Hubby bilang (ngejelasin) ke papanya kalo gua mungkin ga bakalan datang sama dia gara2 ini. Padahal gua ga marah loh sama hubby. Berhubung hubby gua suasana hatinya masih rada ngebetein, yah gua cuekin aja.
Gua ga tau deh apa yang papa mertua gua omongin ke mama mertua gua. Pas gua nyampe kantor pagi ini, ga sampe 5 menit, telp masuk ke line gua (dalam ati mikir tumben amat pagi2 line gua udah bunyi? Dan yang tau private line gua juga limited banget). Pas gua angkat, ternyata mama mertua gua! Asli kaget banget deh pas gua denger suaranya, soalnya mama mertua tuh biasanya telp ke hp gua, hampir bisa dibilang jarang banget telp ke kantor kecuali kalo udah super emergency banget. Inti percakapannya tuh yah nanya kenapa gua ga datang.
Karena gua ga mau bilang ke mama mertua gua kalo anaknya ngebetein gua 2 hari yang lalu dengan teriak2 ga terkontrol gitu, akhirnya (setelah berbasa-basi ria) gua jelasin kalo tadinya gua udah ada rencana weekend ini ke graduation party-nya temen bae gua. [yang ini beneran loh, dan emang udah direncanain dari 2 minggu yang lalu]
Mama mertua (MM):"Oh. Is everything ok between you and Martin?"
Gua (G):"Hmmmm.. [dalem ati doang sih] Yeah, we are fine"
MM:"I am hoping to see you this weekend, but if you already have a plan, I guess I'll see you some other time"
G:[ga tau kenapa tiba2 aja langsung feel guilty. salah satu kejelekan gua....]
Hubby barusan telp nanya rencana gua besok apa dan bisa pulang kerja pagian ga, soalnya dia bisa kerja 1/2 hari dan rencananya sih mau berangkat sebelon rush hour, dimana orang2 baru pada pulang kerja. Unfortunately, guanya ga bisa kerja 1/2 hari doang..mana gua ada meeting pula jem 1 siang. Yah mau diapain lagi? Namanya juga kerja. Mana jaman lagi susah, mendingan gua kerja sesuai jadwal deh, daripada tau2 gua dipecat..kan rese jadinya? :)
Again, HAPPY EASTER yah buat semuanya!! :D See you all when I get back.
Posted by E. Bronwyn at 1:48 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Perang Dingin!
Nyebelin banget deh kemaren! :(
Udah nyampe ubun2 kali rasanya. Hubby gua udah kaya ga punya perasaan aja. Tau sih emang dia lagi stress karena kerjaan, dsb, dst....tapi bukan berarti begitu nyampe rumah maen teriak2 aja! Masih mending kalo teriak2 dalam batas kewajaran yang masih bisa gua tolerin!! Ini mah udah ga tau sampe kemana juga! Gua nanya maunya dia itu apa, dan dijawab kalo dia mau gua bikin dinner buat dia (masih sambil marah2). Gua ga tau deh apa yang terjadi di kantornya. Ntar kapan gitu kalo hubby udah rada calm down baru gua tanya deh.
Akhirnya dengan rasa BETE dan niat yang udah NGGAK ADA banget, gua jalan menuju dapur dan bikinin hubby dinner. Rasanya udah sepet banget, malah gua sempet nangis. Yang ada semalam gua cabut ke rumah temen gua abis bikin dinner (gua skip tuh dinner, males juga makan bareng!) dan baru balik ke rumah after midnight. Sekarang lagi di kantor dan berusaha ngelawan rasa ngantuk yang menyerang gila2an :(
Ugggghhhhhhhh!!!! SEBEL!! alamat long day deh hari ini!!! :'(
Posted by E. Bronwyn at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee
[This is a forward I got from my mother-in-law today and thought of sharing it with you :D]
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee!
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous 'yes.'
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
'Now,' said the professor as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.
- The golf balls are the important things---your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
- The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.The sand is everything else---the small stuff.
- 'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life.
- If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.
- 'Pay attention to the things that are really critical to your happiness. Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.
- Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled and said, 'I'm glad you asked.'The coffee just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.'
Please share this with someone you care about.
Posted by E. Bronwyn at 1:54 PM 0 comments
First Blog
After thinking and considering here and there....so here it goes....
FINALLY!! I have my own blog now :)
Posted by E. Bronwyn at 11:40 AM 0 comments