Friday, April 17th, sometimes in the evening - between my brother-in-law and me:
R: "Hello Eve, what's up? How are things?"
E: "Hi Randy! Everything's good here. How are you? What's new?"
R: "I'm good too. Errrr..I am calling to let you know that you're going to be a great aunt around September 27th! JAC is 4-months pregnant!!"
E: "HAH?!?!?!? WOW!! Anyway, CONGRATS to her!"
R: "Thanks."
E: "You're welcome. Thanks for letting me know."
R: "No problem. Hey, can I talk to Martin for a minute?"
E: "Sure. Just a sec.."
Am I exited about this news? NO! NOT AT ALL!! JAC is a 19 years old who works at a fast food restaurant, smokes heavily (can call her a chain smoker!), and doesn't have any sense of responsibility at all. Prior to New Year's Eve last year, she had a car accident and totalled her car. Yet, she still managed to go to a party, got drunk and found herself pregnant couple months ago! She's not really my niece, just because my brother-in-law 'raised' her since she was 7 years old and he considers her as his 'niece', therefore I am her 'aunt', she's my 'niece', and her baby will be my great 'nephew/niece'.
Suddenly, I feel so OLDDDD....
Liburan di Tokyo
2 months ago
ya moga2 nanti kalo babynya udah lahir, jac nya bisa sadar dan berubah jadi lebih baik ya...
@arman: thank you yah :) aku juga ngarepin yang sama aja.
Iya mudah2an bisa lebih dewasa setelah jadi mommy.
@lena: AMEN to that! :) thank you yah len :D
hi lam kenal:) aku add di link ya! lg blog walking neh!
19thn? Aihhh masi muda banget ya? duh! dah siap blum tuh jadi mom? Moga deh ya, biar lebih dewasa.
@sarie: Hi! salam kenal juga yah :) thanks udah mampir ke blogku. aku link balik juga ya :P
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