Three Names I have been called
1. Evelynn
2. Eve (or by middle name – Amellie)
3. Baby
Three Jobs I have had
1. Cashier
2. Asst. Prof.
3. Asst. Mgr.
Three Places I have lived
1. Indonesia
2. Singapore
3. Malaysia
Three TV Shows that I watch
1. Family Guy
2. Dog Whisperer
3. Dancing with the Stars
Three Places I've Been
1. Australia
2. Singapore
3. Malaysia
Three People that e-mail me regularly
1. My brothers
2. My Mom
3. My Mom-in-law
Three of My favorite foods
1. Seafood
2. Sushi
3. Dim Sum
Three of My favorite drinks
1. Water
2. Sweet Tea
Three people I think will respond (Since I 'just' have 3 blogger friends)
1. Arman
2. Hanny
3. Vera
Three things I am looking forward to
1. Easter weekend with my in-laws
2. My best friend's graduation in May
3. One of my brother’s wedding at the end of the year
Three hobbies I enjoy
1. Skating
2. Cooking [even though I’m not good at all]
3. Playing piano
Three magazines/publications I read regularly/on occasion
1. [Sometimes] Wall Street Journal
2. The Des Moines Register
3. Some random cookbooks
Now, here's what you're supposed to do...And please do not spoil the fun.
Hit forward, delete my answers, and type in your answers. Then send this to a few good friends and family INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little unknowns.
Liburan di Tokyo
2 months ago
hahahhaa ini kayak yang di bulletin board di FS ya... kayaknay gua dulu udah pernah bikin dah.... :P
gua udah pernah dapet nih, jadi gua lulus dong ujian kali ini hehehe....
@vera & arman: ini dapat dari forwardnya sepupu sih. buat iseng2 aja sih :)
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